Echtgenote volledig over de zeik omdat haar man niet vaak genoeg vroeg hoe het met haar ging
"My husband no longer cares about me"
Oké luister even jongens. Deze vrouw is met een slecht humeur uit bed gestapt vandaag. Ze wist ook niet precies waarom, maar wilde er graag over praten met haar man. Maar toen hij vroeg of er wat met haar aan de hand was zei ze dat er niets aan de hand was. En zélfs toen hij het nog een keer vroeg ontkende ze dat er iets aan de hand was. Dus ging hij door met zijn dag. Prima zou je denken, want ze heeft 2x de kans gekregen om erover te praten. Nou, die vlieger gaat helaas niet op beste mensen. Hij had het namelijk toch echt gewoon drie moeten vragen. Nu voelt ze zich al de hele dag slecht...
Okay, listen, I've confirmed it. My husband no longer cares about me. Okay, so this morning when I woke up, I woke up in a really bad mood. Okay, I don't know why I woke up in a bad mood, but I was just in a bad mood. And I wanted to talk to him about it. I really did. So when he asked me the first time, he said, what's wrong with you? You're acting like you're in a bad mood or something. I said, no, I'm fine. Okay, so then he asks again. He was like, no, I can tell something's wrong with you. What's going on? Is there something wrong? And I said, no, I'm fine. And then he never asked me again. He never asked again. And what really what hurts the most is that I was going to tell him on that third time. I was going to tell him the third time that he asked. And then he just must not care. He must not give a single shit. What's wrong with me? Because he didn't ask for the third time. He did not persist with the questions. He asked twice and he let it go. Who does that? Who does that? I'll tell you who does that. Somebody who doesn't care about their wife. That's who does that. Somebody who's probably cheating on her. Somebody who is preoccupied talking to somebody else all day. He hasn't even texted me today to ask me what was wrong. He hasn't because he hasn't thought twice about it. He hasn't. He has not let it consume his thoughts. It's been consuming mine. I've been unwell all day